Bee Education and Training

Within South Australia, one on one tailored training sessions can be organised suitable for beginners through to more advanced beekeepers. In addition regular short group workshops will be available focusing on Beekeeping for Beginners.

For more information, contact Inglewood Bees at

Beekeeping Education Sessions  

 Interested in learning more about beekeeping? Join Matt from Inglewood Bees for two education sessions designed to provide you with all the information you need to enjoy Backyard Beekeeping.

Session 1 is an information session that is suitable for anyone who would like to know more about beekeeping, how to setup and manage your hive and the tools and equipment you will need.

Session 2 is a practical hands-on session where you join Matt to open up and inspect a hive. Choose 1 or both sessions depending on your interests.

Matt is a registered beekeeper and qualified lecturer with over 20 years experience in backyard beekeeping.

 Date and Location – Next Session to be advised

 Session 1: Introduction to Beekeeping 

Information session providing you with all the basics for how to set up and manage your beehives including:

  • The Honey Bee Life Cycle
  • Bee Hive Locations
  • Equipment Checklist
  • Beehive Inspections
  • Feeding your Bees
  • Record Keeping and Registration Requirements

Session 2: Practical Hands-on Beehive Inspection and Maintenance 

Join Matt for a hands-on session, opening and inspecting the hives including:

  • When to open your hive
  • Knowing your smoker
  • Hive Maintenance
  • Swarm control techniques
  • Disease Inspection – Are my bees healthy?
  • Taking Honey
  • Preparing hives for Spring

Who are the sessions for?

Anyone who is interested in learning more about bees, becoming a beekeeper or who has a hive and would like more information on what to do next.

To register your interest, please email


Useful links:

Beekeeper Registration

Any person who keeps honeybees must register as a beekeeper every 12 months. In South Australia, click on the link below for more information.

 Australian Beekeeping Guide

For general information on beekeeping developed from the knowledge and experience of apiculture scientists, apiary inspectors and beekeepers, download a free PDF copy of the Australian Beekeeping Guide below

Australian Beekeeping Guide



The Biosecurity Manual for Beekeepers provides important information for all beekeepers on how to protect honey bees from established and exotic pests. Download a free PDF copy below.